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      As the impeachment story rolls on, I would like to have Sen. Johnson answer a simple yes or no question. Should a public officeholder use his office to enhance his reelection? If I remember right, this was the situation that caused Chuck Chvala so many problems.      There is a lot about Pres. Trump that has incited a lot of problems for our country, our image not the least, as well as trade and relations with our neighbors, Mexico & Canada, so let us pare it down to this question. I suppose that Sen. Johnson could claim that Pres. Trump was not doing partisan politics during the phone call to Ukraine. That just calls into question Sen. Johnson's perception, or his unquestioning support of a president doing whatever he can to get reelected. It may be that Sen. Johnson could say that it is not an impeachable crime, but, as noted above, the legal system disagrees with him. The president should not be above the law. If this offense is deemed not worthy of impeachme
Brothers and Sisters,     While  I and many  of  my  colle a g u es  in the House of Representatives  (the People’s House)  are upholding our oath to the Constitution  with the impeachment inquiry of Donald Trump, w e have yet another Senator  hellbent on  keeping secrets from the American  p eople  by c overing the President’s tracks .   W hat’s more disturbing is that he’s Wisconsin’s own , Senator Ron Johnson.       In August ,   Johnson  was alerted by an ambassador that nearly $400 million in aid to Ukraine was being withheld because Trump wanted the country to launch an investigation that would help him politically  – AN IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE!     We all know  there’s more to the story ,  but  Senator  Ron Johnson  won’t come clean.  If he doesn’t tell the American people  the truth –  we think the People’s House should make him testify  to the People’s Court!    
This does not look like a white man, and I am pretty sure they only lynched blacks, except in the movies.  I am sure they will not be lynching Pres. Trump, just replacing him with V. P. Pence.  Pres. Trump will be able to go home to New York, or wherever, and live the rest of his life very nicely, probably with a pension that in one year is more than I have made in ten (10) or fifteen (15) years.  He will not be dead.
Speaking of how much or how far Sen. Johnson will go in support of Pres. Trump, I wonder how he squares Pres. Trump's helping women get abortions with his own or his parties stand on abortion? I do suppose it is possible that the president and his immediate family has not had anything to do with any women getting abortions, but if you believe that I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell to you. I, personally know of a handful of women who have had to obtain abortions, and I am sure there were options they could have chosen other than abortion, but they did not. As a good libertarian, I am not in a position to tell them no.
THIS - Sen. Johnson has a do nothing approach to gun regulation. About this website ISTHMUS.COM Off the Square: Haters gonna hate, right? Sen. Ron Johnson decides gun control efforts wouldn't prevent deaths anyway.
a fellow at work commented that they take Social Security taxes out of his paycheck, and he pays Medicare twice - once from his paycheck, and out of pocket monthly payments. He did not think that was right, but whatever. I think that it is easier for the company to take out SS and Medicare for all employees, than trying to develop two systems.  # SenatorJohnson  figures that SS and Medicare are putting the United States on the road to socialism, so we should get rid of them. He has written, "These people on SS are just parasites living off the fat of the land."